Who says teaching doesn’t pay? The Copyright Agency has announced the first-ever Reading Australia Fellowship for Teachers of English and Literacy worth $15,000.
The Fellowship is an initiative of Reading Australia, the Copyright Agency’s online portal which provides more than 150 teaching resources to improve the teaching of literature using Australian stories in schools, from Foundation to University level.
The successful Fellow will deliver their research findings through a written report of between 5,000 to 10,00 words and presentations at conferences.
Applications are open to teachers of English and literacy who hold a senior teaching position, have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience and are Australian citizens or permanent residents.
The announcement was made at the premier English and Literacy Teachers’ Conference in Perth, the AATE/ALEA National conference, sponsored by Copyright Agency.
Copyright Agency CEO, Adam Suckling, says, “It is incredibly important we support the professional development of our Australian teachers to assist their efforts in making a meaningful impact on the teaching of literature. The education copying licence, which we administer, makes teachers lives easier by allowing them to use any copyright material available without having to clear the rights.
“The inaugural Fellowship is an important investment as the chosen Fellow will receive a $15,000 grant to undertake professional development and research to enhance their careers.
Applications are now open via SmartyGrants and will close on March 1, 2019, with the successful applicant to be notified in mid-May 2019.
For more information: https://www.copyright.com.au/culturalfund/fellowship/reading- australia-fellowship-for-teachers-of-english-and-literacy/