Discover why Schools, Students, and Teachers love Wakakirri!

Wakakirri fosters student engagement and well-being through the creative process.
Mar 16, 2025
Story dancing for a better school community.

“Wakakirri is more than just a performance,” Adam Loxley Festival Director says. “ It’s an experience that lasts a lifetime. And now, it's easier than ever to get involved with our free Story-Dance beginners program, designed to help new schools dive right in. “

Wakakirri fosters student engagement and well-being through the creative process of developing and performing captivating Story-Dances. Here are the top five reasons schools consistently give when asked, "Why participate in Wakakirri?”

1 Inclusive and Accessible
Wakakirri is designed to be inclusive, giving every student the opportunity to shine, regardless of experience, ability, or background.

2 Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration
Working together on a Story-Dance helps students build teamwork, communication, and collaboration skills that are essential in both academic and personal growth.

3 Encourages Positive Relationships
Through collaboration and teamwork, students build positive relationships with their classmates and teachers, strengthening the classroom environment and boosting social wellbeing.

4 Enhances Self-Esteem and Confidence
By overcoming the challenge of rehearsing and performing, students experience a sense of accomplishment and pride, which can significantly improve their self-esteem and overall confidence.

5 Builds a Sense of Belonging
Participating in a group performance fosters a strong sense of belonging, encouraging students to connect with peers, develop friendships, and feel part of a community.

How Your School Can Get Involved
Join the thousands of schools across Australia who have already discovered the joy and benefits of being part of this incredible Story-Dance Festival. Whether you’re looking to boost student confidence, foster teamwork, or create a stronger sense of belonging in your school community, Wakakirri has something for everyone.

Wakakirri is open to all school types –  primary, secondary, government, independent, and community groups like dance studios. Schools can join Wakakirri 2025 by creating a seven-minute Story-Dance based on the 2025 Festival Theme Mind Over Matter: Tales of Inner Strength.

Not sure where to start?  While many schools create their own Story-Dance, Wakakirri has created two beginner-friendly options to help new schools take part:  
•  Choose a pre-designed Story-Dance from the Wakakirri catalogue. Each complete package includes a script, simple choreography, soundtrack and easy-to-follow instructions, plus practice videos for students to learn at their own pace.
•  Want hands-on support? The Artist in Residence program provides a qualified Wakakirri Facilitator to visit your school and guide students and teachers through the entire Story-Dance creation process.  
•  Find out more about our programs here.