Music Mentoring Program for Western Australian Teachers

A music mentoring program for primary school teachers now on offer.
Aug 27, 2024
Bringing music to primary schools with the help of a mentor.

Introducing music to kids has been made easier in WA with the Australian Youth Orchestra’s Music In Me program where experienced K-6 music teachers (mentors) collaborate with participating teachers (mentees) in their classrooms, building confidence, skills, and practices in delivering music lessons to students.

Now an introductory, eight-session “taster” model designed to give teachers the confidence to use music in the classroom as part of their everyday curriculum has been made available.

To date, 440 schools have participated in the Music In Me program, with 808 teachers mentored and more than 14,000 students directly impacted by their teacher’s participation in the program.

Manager of the Music in Me program Bernie Heard, said, “It’s been proven that music in primary education results in better cognitive, social and well-being outcomes for young people,” she said.

“While teachers inherently understand the value of music and creativity in their classroom, they are often stretched and too time-poor to be able to seek out in-person professional learning in music.

“When the mentor leaves, you get to keep that knowledge, skills and practice within your school.

“A music mentor teacher can enhance skills and practice or introduce music education into your school where there is little or no music program.”

The “Welcome to Mentoring” program is half the commitment and half the cost of the usual Music In Me program, and can be tailored to each school according to their specific needs. 

For remote schools without a local mentor, a mentor would travel and visit intermittently, for several days of intensive mentoring, and maintain contact online between visits.

To date, 35 schools in WA have participated in the full Music in Me program, with six currently participating.

Selena Sandoz, a teacher at Poynter Primary School, recently participated in the mentoring program and described the experience as “incredibly positive, supportive and educative”.

“My mentor affirmed what I am doing in my current practice and provided me with ideas to enhance learning experiences for my students. My students are getting a better music education and I am becoming a better educator because of this amazing program," she said.

Ms Heard said they were also on the lookout for skilled WA music teachers who might like to apply to become mentors for the Music in Me program.

Visit the AYO’s Music in Me website for further information.