“Wakakirri is more than just a performance – it’s an experience that lasts a lifetime,” Adam Loxley, Festival Director says. “It's easier than ever to get involved with our free Story-Dance beginners program, designed to help new schools dive right in.
“Wakakirri fosters student engagement and well-being through the creative process of developing and performing captivating Story-Dances. These are the top 5 reasons schools consistently give when asked ‘why should we participate in Wakakirri’.”
1 Inclusive and Accessible for All Students
Wakakirri is designed to be inclusive, giving every student the opportunity to shine, regardless of experience, ability, or background.
2 Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration
Working together on a Story-Dance helps students build teamwork, communication, and collaboration skills that are essential in both academic and personal growth.
3 Encourages Positive Relationships
Through collaboration and teamwork, students build positive relationships with their classmates and teachers, strengthening the classroom environment and boosting social wellbeing.
4 Enhances Self-Esteem and Confidence
By overcoming the challenge of rehearsing and performing, students experience a sense of accomplishment and pride, which can significantly improve their self-esteem and overall confidence.
5 Builds a Sense of Belonging
Participating in a group performance fosters a strong sense of belonging, encouraging students to connect with peers, develop friendships, and feel part of a community.
How Your School Can Get Involved
Ready to experience the magic of Wakakirri at your school? Join the thousands of schools across Australia who have already discovered the joy and benefits of being part of this incredible Story-Dance Festival. Whether you’re looking to boost student confidence, foster teamwork, or create a stronger sense of belonging in your school community, Wakakirri has something for everyone.
Wakakirri is open to all school types - primary, secondary, government, independent, and community groups like dance studios. Schools can join Wakakirri 2025 by creating a seven-minute Story-Dance based on the 2025 Festival Theme Mind Over Matter: Tales of Inner Strength.
Not sure where to start?
While many schools create their own Story-Dance, we have created two beginner-friendly options to help new schools take part:
• Choose a pre-designed Story-Dance from our catalogue! Each complete package includes a script, simple choreography, soundtrack and easy-to-follow instructions, plus practice videos for students to learn at their own pace.
• Want hands-on support? Our Artist in Residence program provides a qualified Wakakirri Facilitator to visit your school and guide students and teachers through the entire Story-Dance creation process.
• Find out more about our programs here.
Register now and secure your school’s spot in Wakakirri 2025
Visit our website or contact our team to learn more about participation, resources, and consultation options.
• Live Performance: $39 per student
• Video Submission: $200 per school
• Artist in Residence Program: Ranges from $895 to $4,235, depending on school needs. Contact Wakakirri for details.
Contact Wakakirri at 02 9669 3777 or visit www.wakakirri.com.