An Australian service that provides busy parents of teenagers with free, confidential one-on-one parenting help will be launched today by digital mental health service ReachOut Australia.
Delivered using a mix of online and pre-booked phone sessions, ReachOut Parents Coaching gives parents the flexibility to access support from anywhere in the country.
Any parent who is worried about their relationship with their teenager, or concerned about their teenager’s wellbeing or behaviour, can access up to four phone sessions with a professional parenting coach as well as a range of personalised digital resources.
All phone sessions are delivered by trained professionals from The Benevolent Society – experts in helping families build strong relationships – and tailored to an individual’s specific goals and situation. This means that parents will receive practical strategies they can put to use immediately after their first call.
"This is the first generation of parents facing issues around technology and social media in addition to the age old challenges such as bullying, drinking, sex and relationships. We also know that around one in four young people are likely to have a mental illness," said ReachOut CEO Jono Nicholas. [SOURCE]