
Teachers lack training for dyslexic students Dyslexia is the most common learning difficulty, yet Australia fails to properly support those with the condition.
Online health
Online health
How schools can leverage online health during COVID-19 Online speech pathology and occupational therapy services are suited to the current situation around the virus, therapy works well online with an appropriate support network
Ed Johnson, Chief Clinical Officer and Co-Founder of Umbo
More advantages to remote learning found There is building evidence that remote learning is advantageous to low SES students and allows teachers to spend more time with students who need the attention.
Virtual resources
Virtual resources
Virtual resources from The Jewish Holocaust Centre The Jewish Holocaust Centre has built a suite of virtual learning resources and customised virtual workshops which will bring its message to a wider audience.
Online safety
Online safety
Free online workshop teaches girls to stay safe online Brisbane-based The Tech Girls Movement Foundation is hosting a free online workshop to teach girls and their parents how to best keep safe online. 
How schools can ensure data remains safe in the age of digital learning and ransomware Ransomware is one of the more common types of online attack.
Rick Vanover, Senior Director of Product Strategy and Nathan Steiner, Head of Systems Engineering ANZ, Veeam
No afro
No afro
Are school dress codes racist? James Emmanuel was born and raised in Orange NSW to immigrant African and Sri Lankan parents so he was always going to stand out. That difference was never more stark than when it came to complying with his independent school’s uniform requirements.
The introduction of spatial technology and spatial thinking and reasoning into primary education Albert Einstein, as well as other well-known physicists and inventors, have been reported to have had high spatial abilities, and that these abilities played an important role in their creativity.
Brett Jones, University of the Sunshine Coast
Game on
Game on
eSports at uni now a thing Gamers at Monash now eligible for same support as others in competitive disciplines.
Pack violence a kind of performance Australia needs to challenge toxic masculinity and steer young men away from the pressure to engage in group violence.
Be adaptable
Be adaptable
Building skills in adaptability increases teacher job satisfaction A large body of research tells us that if teachers are satisfied in their job, they display a higher level of motivation and are less likely to leave the profession.
Rachael Greensill, University of the Sunshine Coast
SafetyCulture app free to schools SafetyCulture helps entities to digitise and adhere to safety, cleanliness and quality protocols and its app is now available to schools to help manage virus contamination free for a full academic year.