
Comprehensive review into regional education A comprehensive review of regional education will be conducted with the aim of getting more regional, rural and remote students to be successful at school and go on to further study, training and employment.
Practical teaching resource to increase support for students with disability Australian Special Education Principals Association have developed Leading Learning 4 All, a website with resources available to teachers and principals to better support their students with special needs.
Bilingual education the key to improvement University of South Australia, Applied Linguistics and international multilingual expert, Assoc Prof Kathleen Heugh, believes that educational competitiveness is associated with students who are proficient in at least two languages.
Survey shows we need to find more ways to support Year 12s A collaborative study by all three South Australian public universities, has found that almost 51 per cent of year 12 students find it difficult to decide what to study at university.
Discipline more effective than monetary investment in schools A new study has shown that discipline in schools has a greater impact and is more important to educational performance when compared to monetary investment, a new study from Macquarie University has found.
SA Islamic College loses Commonwealth funding The Federal Minister for Education Simon Birmingham has announced that the Islamic College of South Australia will not receive funding after 14 April. The College received $4 million Commonwealth funding in 2016. 
Principal Health Wellbeing Survey: long hours but job satisfaction The 2016 Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey reveals long hours and high levels of job demands with an alarming increase in offensive behaviour, but high job satisfaction.
Student engagement improves classroom learning When students are engaged in class, they learn more. Australia’s education system needs comprehensive reform to improve widespread student disengagement in the classroom, according to a new Grattan Institute report.
More families choosing public school option New figures from ABS show a small increase in the amount of students attending government schools, up from 2014. Enrolments at Catholic schools fell slightly but remained steady at independent schools.
Education Minister: Year 1 students may benefit from skills tests The Federal Government is considering introducing mandatory phonics assessment and numeracy checks for Year 1 students, with an expert panel to investigate options and report back mid-2017.  
Tips for a seamless return to school Accomodating a new classroom of learners is a big task for any educator. University of Sydney health and education experts share their tips to help kick off the new school year and encourage kids to achieve their best.
Youngest in class more likely to be medicated for ADHD Recent research from Curtin University shows that the youngest children in classrooms are more likely than their older classmates to receive medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).