
Say hi AI
Say hi AI
A ready-made curriculum for teaching AI AI is the next disruptive technology, maybe the most disruptive of all, it’s already touching and revolutionising pretty much everything from marking papers to finding your way around town.
Hack against the virus
Hack against the virus
Winners announced for Flatten the Curve Hackathon Over 48 hours of intense, white knuckle hacking more than 2400 competitors from 10 different time zones formed teams and set out to solve some of the biggest challenges our nation and world face during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Next gen programmers needed
Next gen programmers needed
GitHub needs help nurturing the next generation of programmers Sam Hunt VP APAC of GitHub says, “code is the paintbrush of the 21st century”, and he wants people to get involved.
Scientists on tap
Scientists on tap
New ANSTO STEAM Club sees great response Kids like STEAM if the results of the ANSTO new online STEAM Club are anything to go by, over 1000 subscribed within days of its launch in time for the school holidays.
Data needs a home
Data needs a home
New approaches to teaching: How data is driving enhanced personalisation Teachers are now utilising student data to curate personalised lesson plans and assess student performance.
Joseph Badaoui, Data Engineer at Digital Realty
Tech lessons
Tech lessons
Activities from fintech experts downloadable The Girls4Tech™ program which has been designed to encourage girls into STEAM has made available a suite of educational resources built on global science and math standards.
Sky speed internet
Sky speed internet
Wireless solution provides reliable Internet speeds to 1 Gbps Two very different schools – one in country Victoria and another in Melbourne’s inner east – faced the same problem; a shortfall in Internet reliability which was compromising their increasingly IT dependent teaching approach.
Early STEAM enhancement
Early STEAM enhancement
Walls of enrichment with STEAM enhancing Nanoleaf We’re a visual species and the kids doubly so, but time spent on the screens should be limited and one way of doing that is by giving them something else to look at.
UniSA confident SA schools can transition to online education UniSA’s Head of School: Education, Prof Shane Dawson, believes this will be a challenging period for teachers, students and parents alike, but says the broad ambition of delivering an online curriculum for the majority of the State’s school students is achievable.
Situation OK
Situation OK
Can schools' IT hold up? In Australia we’re quite lucky as schools are well positioned and have been delivering edge use cases of distance, digital and remote schooling requirements for some years now.
Q&A with Nathan Steiner, Head of Systems and Engineering, Veeam, a data management provider
Career paths in IT
Career paths in IT
CompTIA clarifies IT career paths The IT industry is one of the healthiest and entry into it has the benefit of being skills based, the age of entry isn’t so important and clear pathways to in-demand jobs are accessible.
Schools getting cryptojacked Just in case you haven’t had enough of viruses, here’s some digital ones. This is a nice 21st century problem; increasingly hackers are attacking schools to hijack their computer power to assist in the memory heavy activity of cryptocurrency mining.
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