
UniSA confident SA schools can transition to online education UniSA’s Head of School: Education, Prof Shane Dawson, believes this will be a challenging period for teachers, students and parents alike, but says the broad ambition of delivering an online curriculum for the majority of the State’s school students is achievable.
Situation OK
Situation OK
Can schools' IT hold up? In Australia we’re quite lucky as schools are well positioned and have been delivering edge use cases of distance, digital and remote schooling requirements for some years now.
Q&A with Nathan Steiner, Head of Systems and Engineering, Veeam, a data management provider
Career paths in IT
Career paths in IT
CompTIA clarifies IT career paths The IT industry is one of the healthiest and entry into it has the benefit of being skills based, the age of entry isn’t so important and clear pathways to in-demand jobs are accessible.
Schools getting cryptojacked Just in case you haven’t had enough of viruses, here’s some digital ones. This is a nice 21st century problem; increasingly hackers are attacking schools to hijack their computer power to assist in the memory heavy activity of cryptocurrency mining.
Exercise caution
Exercise caution
School software company activates COVID-19 plan Reporting and school management software specialist Accelerus XUNO has activated its COVID-19 Emergency Plan. In a communiqué to around 1000 schools, the company has announced a range of internal and external measures aimed at easing the expected transition from classroom teaching to a form of 'distance learning'.
Ag tech
Ag tech
Teachers invited to see farm tech Farming is one of our foundational industries but many might not be aware of how technology driven it has become and teachers from southern Queensland and northern NSW have are being encouraged to see what’s happening for themselves.
Game on
Game on
Using tech to make maths fun Teachers using technology like learning management software to keep track of students’ progress and set personalised tasks and even educational video games that demonstrate mathematical concepts in an engaging way have reported that it helps students’ interest in maths.
Change creeps up
Change creeps up
Leading in a world of exponential technologies As humans we are designed to think in linear terms. This produces a paradox for educational leaders. It is very hard for us to see what is about to happen as all we can draw on is what has happened which has largely been linear.
How to construct AR
How to construct AR
Creating augmented reality learning objects for positive learning outcomes The purpose of this article is to provide a means by which educators and students can utilise the benefits of AR.  We provide insight into how learners and educators can successfully create their own learning objects or incorporate a wide array of 3-dimensional visuals, sounds, and images.
G Andrew Page, Ph.D. and Ragnar Purje, Ph.D.
Grants mark science week
Grants mark science week
Generous grants mark National Science Week Forensic science, ocean sustainability and pop-up health lab projects are among those being funded by the Government’s 2020 National Science Week Grants.
Go Go Sphero
Go Go Sphero
How to harness Sphero Sphero products of are of exceptional quality, highly adaptable and plenty of fun to use. I use Sphero SPRK+ across multiple age groups.
Adam King, P-12 Instructional Designer
Code Jumper for vison impaired coding
Code Jumper for vison impaired coding
Code Jumper teaches blind kids to code Code Jumper assists 7-11 year olds, regardless of their level of vision, to learn the basics of computer coding and programming skills.
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