
MLC Centre wins NSW Architecture award The MLC School Senior Centre by BVN won the William E Kemp Award for Educational Architecture in the 2020 New South Wales Architecture Awards.
Remote learning
Remote learning
Remote learning benefitted wellbeing, student voice and gifted and talented students It was good for most
Lanella Sweet, Extension and Enrichment Teacher, Wesley College
NGS Super 2020 Scholarship Awards reimagined Members can apply for the chance to win one of six $5,000 awards.
Research based games
Research based games
Funexpected maths game created with UC Berkeley The developer’s games seek to teach complex maths concepts via a beautiful interface, all underpinned by educational research.
Victorian STEM school wins architecture award Whittlesea Tech School has a progressive approach to education and the school’s built environment needed to reflect that.
Future workers will have jobs if they can innovate Robots and artificial intelligence will take some of the less skilled work from humans but workers that can innovate will continue to thrive.
Keeping online learning rolling
Keeping online learning rolling
The rise of online education: a learning experience for IT? There are several emerging considerations impacting their ability to support teachers, staff, and students in the virtual world. 
Patrick Hubbard, Head Geek, SolarWinds
Facebook heavy
Facebook heavy
Crisis management with social media There has been plenty to communicate recently and the NSW Department of Education has been relying heavily on social media to do it.
Dream car
Dream car
Nature Insect Car wins the Toyota Dream Car Art Contest Some brilliant thinking won Claudia the national prize.
Trickle down wellbeing
Trickle down wellbeing
Looking out for educator wellbeing The important link between well-supported staff, student engagement and results.
Annual LEA Awards highlight excellence and showcase innovation
Annual LEA Awards highlight excellence and showcase innovation
2020 Awards highlight excellence and innovation in learning environments The 2020 Awards Ceremony was delivered via an engaging video production that highlighted a record 122 entries from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.
Be kind
Be kind
Teacher-student relationships core to student attitudes to school Kind, helpful and funny teachers encourage a lasting positive attitude in children towards school.