
AI course
AI course
Free AI for teachers course Macquarie University has partnered with IBM to develop a free course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teachers.
Professionals fast-tracked to fill hard to staff teaching roles Teacher training programs will be fast tracked to fill hard-to-staff positions in schools and early childhood services in Victoria with the first grads commencing to teach in 2022.
Are children colour blind and inherently ‘not racist’? A Charles Sturt University academic challenges existing notions when it comes to racism and our children, and why an antiracist approach is best during early childhood education.
Dr Ryan Al-Natour, Lecturer in the Charles Sturt School of Teacher Education
Solar-powered STEM learning for remote Indigenous Community Solar powered computer labs have been popping up in some of the world’s most remote places, bringing STEM learning to disadvantaged communities in South Africa, Ethiopia, Colombia and soon regional Australia.
Kids learn how to start money making businesses Identifying business opportunities and developing them is a craft that can be learned and practiced, and the earlier you get started the better.
Employment skills
Employment skills
Future Minds Network provides skills to land a job The Future Minds Network has helped 11,000 youths avoid poverty through employment education.
iTeachSTEM makes resources available iTeachSTEM offers Australian teachers free access to world-class, contextualized STEM learning and teaching resources for delivering STEM curriculum.
Wakakirri announces 2020 national winners Four schools have taken home the top prize in this year’s Wakakirri Challenge by each winning the national award of Story of the Year.
Guess what the Children’s Word of the Year is? The Oxford Australian 2020 Children’s Word of the Year used children’s language experts to analyse more than 50,000 short stories written by three million Australian children for this year’s Storyathon writing events.
Graduate employment down Higher education graduates across Australia have found it harder to gain employment over the last 12 months and it wasn’t just about COVID.
Get ahead
Get ahead
Escape Rooms to uni Escape Rooms are an innovative learning and teaching method that have student teams engage in learning games created around Escape Room hypothetical situations.
Appy kids
Appy kids
ABC’s award-winning app was designed with kids, for kids Australia’s No. 1 kids’ app with over one million monthly viewers, ABC Kids, was created through a highly collaborative process.