
AI aided integrity
AI aided integrity
Using AI to set students straight and streamline assessment The thing about plagiarism or maybe paying someone else to write your paper for you is that it is counter-productive. So a student might have managed to pull a fast one and perhaps received a good mark but it’s kind of self-defeating in that they will not have learned much.
Communication is essential
Communication is essential
Oral language skills predict young children's success in the classroom and life Communication, curiosity and conversation are key predictors of young children’s success later in life, according to new best practice resources on early childhood education launched in Brisbane this week.
No barriers to booze
No barriers to booze
Minors can get booze online easily, fast and cheap The internet has broken down may barriers including those that stand between minors and alcohol. Buy now pay later services are also removing monetary barriers to obtaining booze.
Vouchers for bushfire kids
Vouchers for bushfire kids
Bushfire affected students to receive $2M in support Victorian and Commonwealth Government jointly fund a ‘Getting Kids Back to School’ initiative to provide immediate relief to bushfire victims.
Young teachers equipped to go anywhere
Young teachers equipped to go anywhere
Training lets young teachers thrive in challenging environments Inspiring Torres Strait Islanders with English as a second language is part of the toolkit for a new breed of teachers trained to work in Australia’s most challenging and remote classrooms.
Bullying is worldwide
Bullying is worldwide
Bullying is universal and worst for low SES boys Bullying happens all over the world and the same group of people suffers from it the worst. Adolescent boys from lower socio-economic backgrounds are most likely to be the victims of bullying, but there is a wide variation in prevalence.
Photo WikiPop Media
Photo WikiPop Media
Wakakirri Story Dance on track for a spectacular 2020 Wakakirri is 28 years young and still growing strongly. Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools welcomed 38,000 students from almost 300 schools performing in 52 shows at 14 venues nationally in 2019.
Reach out
Reach out
The issue of engagement The process of learning to cooperate with others begins very early in life – often it is a sandpit experience. A term I often use when asked what I do is that “I teach people how to play nicely in the sandpit”.
Marie Ball
Aim high
Aim high
Educator Impact Pulse measures ongoing school and student wellbeing In 1961, John F Kennedy announced a goal for humans to walk on the moon. At about the same time, an industrialist called Henry Kremer announced a series of prizes worth $2.5m in today’s dollars, for a seemingly more modest goal: to fly under human power, over the English Channel.
PBL seminar
PBL seminar
Delivering Project Based Learning Having students engage with real world problems with project based learning is one of the better ways of delivering knowledge and encouraging soft skills like communication and cooperation. It can take many forms and some help in formulating a PBL initiative has to be welcome.
Never too young for robotics
Never too young for robotics
Capture them young! Engaging students with technology Integrating technology across the curriculum and offering clubs and events like ‘Coding & Robotics’, Inter-house Robotics Competition, STEMies and 'TechMate', inspires students to create with technology.
Jackie Child, Junior School Technologies Coordinator, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School
Play is valuable
Play is valuable
Prof Pasi Sahlberg to debate the power of play in nature Finnish educator Professor Pasi Sahlberg will be keynote speaker at a free public forum on the Power of Play in Nature at The Concourse, Chatswood on Thursday 5 March.