
Higher education trumps social inequity, but it takes time A degree evens the playing field but it does take time for the paths of the disadvantaged and the better off to converge, about eight years.
Adina Watches’ bespoke service for schools The gift of a watch is a great way to mark a graduation and Queensland based Adina Watches have launched a bespoke service for Australian schools creating limited edition timepieces.
Education and payment partnership streamlines debits Australasian payments processor Debitsuccess and education management system maker Meshed Group have announced a partnership that looks to deliver efficient direct debit payment plans for students.
Photography makes for a Big Fat Smile Big Fat Smile is a community-owned, industry leading provider of child education, care, recreation, cultural and inclusion services based in Wollongong and their photography program has been a hit.
International Baccalaureate drops student examination registration fee The International Baccalaureate (IB) has announced that it is eliminating the $172 / £138 candidate registration fee that students traditionally pay, reducing financial barriers for students and schools.
Comforting the anxious can make it worse The natural desire to comfort someone who is feeling anxious can actually make the problem worse.   “The classical conditioning model tells us that you actually may be reinforcing the behaviour by comforting someone. So if I’m anxious and stressed and I come to you and you give me lots of love, that feeling gets connected to love."
Attendance and student achievement go hand in hand School attendance and student achievement are closely linked, highlighting the importance of forming good attendance habits early.
Udderly brilliant – it’s Healthy Bones Action Week Dairy Australia is calling on all primary schools to get moo-ving this August and take part in the 2019 Healthy Bones Action Week program.
SBS and the eSafety Commissioner create educational resources about cyber safety Ahead of the premiere of new SBS drama, The Hunting, SBS has partnered with the eSafety Commissioner to produce educational resources that will help parents and teachers keep young people safe online.
Online programs changing literacy education Technology is playing a significant role in teaching literacy, with online education programs gaining increasing recognition and presence in schools.
Musica Viva In Schools launches 2020 program Musica Viva has finalised the Musica Viva In Schools 2020 season, the 75th year of the organisation bringing live music to children and educators all over Australia.
$1000 boost for students’ environmental projects Applications for a new round of Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants are now open, the grants look to encourage young environmental champions.