
Data data everywhere
Data data everywhere
Legislation, online threats make data management critical The amount of data we are gathering is huge and only getting bigger, the irony is that the more we have, the more we know, the more questions arise, as does uncertainty about legal culpability.
Play outdoors is essential
Play outdoors is essential
Play in nature essential for children The increasingly isolated, urban lives that children live means that they’re often unable to muck about in the bush and that’s been identified as a bad thing for their physical and social development.
Bright primary children need support
Bright primary children need support
Does GATE have a place in primary schools? When it comes to students who are gifted and talented in academics, finding a school that will challenge the student and foster their abilities is of the utmost importance.
Jacqui Burrage, Principal at Australian Christian College Darling Downs
Read read read
Read read read
Genrefication – Does it improve user engagement with Library collections? As a teacher librarian, I know and see the benefits of reading every day. It’s our number one priority (alongside digital and information literacy).
Madison Dearnaley, Library Aide, Good Shepherd Lutheran College
Generous scholarship available
Generous scholarship available
New Victorian Mid-Career Teachers Scholarship Public school teachers in Victoria who have been teaching for between five and 15 years can now apply for a new $10,000 scholarship.
Children's books very white
More unicorns than non-white characters in kids’ books If you are a child from a non-white background you will be more likely to see a dinosaur or a fairy as a main character in the books that you read rather than someone that might look like you.
Government school funding down down
Government school funding down down
New report – More government funds for private schools Research by SOS questions the methodology for identifying how much funding is going to private schools and reveals that the amount of money for public schools is dropping.
With Trevor Cobbold
Education conversations at the Opera House
Education conversations at the Opera House
Sahlberg and Eddie Woo in conversation at the Opera House Two education stars, Eddie Woo of WooTube of maths teaching fame and Pasi Sahlberg the current deputy director of the Gonski Institute for Education will have a conversation at the Sydney Opera house which is sure to poke some educational holy cows.
Abseiling for foster kids
Abseiling for foster kids
Abseiling a CBD high-rise for foster kids Fostering is a safety net for kids in need and in recognition of that essential work Victorian high school students and teachers will abseil 27 floors down an iconic Melbourne CBD building in support of foster children.
Money for devices
Money for devices
UNICEF donates $100,000 to Victorian students affected by the bushfires Funds to purchase learning devices for children who have lost their homes through partnership with State Schools’ Relief.
Rockin all over the country
Rockin all over the country
RockFest a leg up for young musos It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll but here’s a big first step, RockFest looks to uncover budding rock musicians offering exposure, prizes and a memorable experience to participants.
Building knowledge of Aboriginal Culture
Building knowledge of Aboriginal Culture
Celebrating Aboriginal Culture and building curriculum skills with Aussie Bush Tales In line with the Australian Curriculum Cross-curricula focus: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Aussie Bush Tales enable students to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the world’s oldest continuous living cultures.