
Birmingham’s STEM solution shortcut a thought-bubble  Simon Birmingham’s solution to fix shrinking school student STEM enrolments fails to address the real issue of having a comprehensive plan to fix teacher shortages.
Don't rush SES changes If there are changes to be made to the way SES is calculated following the National School Resourcing Board (NSRB) review, rigorous testing and observation should be carried out before anything is done.
Cyberbullies tracked and smashed with new tool Nasty personal attacks on social media networks like Instagram can be tracked and smashed with a new digital tool which can scan massive amounts of social media data, sending alerts to parents or network administrators.
It pays to learn what you can claim at tax time While tax can be boring, refunds aren’t and it’s useful to know what you can and can’t claim so that return is as nice and fat as possible. One thing to remember; you can only claim the work-related part of expenses.
St. Bernard’s Primary finds evidence boosts learning It took some doing, but by taking time to have a good look at what was happening at St. Bernard’s Primary in Melbourne, the school has set itself on course for a more responsive, informed way of teaching and learning.
Little J and Big Cuz winner at Logies A fun, educational program aimed at supporting Indigenous children in making the transition from home to school, Little J & Big Cuz was the first show of its kind to focus on Indigenous kids, their culture and their ways of being.
Six $5000 NGS Super Scholarship Awards to be won Applications are now open for the 2018 NGS Super Scholarship Awards which offers six $5000 scholarships to its members working in independent education. Winners can undertake professional development or a project or initiative.
Better training for rural school principals needed Professional development to equip country principals to address incidents of domestic violence, juvenile justice, mental health and issues relating to indigenous students, in addition to student learning should be a priority.
Deep-seated discrimination for disabled in Victorian schools   Schools in Victoria have been given the right to assess their own progress around inclusiveness for disabled children and they have dropped the ball as the disabled continue to experience exclusion and disadvantage.
Training and standards boosted for pre-service teachers A close eye on the quality of pre-service teachers’ training and standards will help to develop teaching graduates who are up to scratch and work ready. AITSL will play a key role.
Music helps language skills Researchers at Cognitive Brain Research Unit in the University of Helsinki studied in a community setting whether a low-cost, weekly music playschool provided to 5-6-year-old children affects their linguistic abilities.
The NSW DOE books casual teachers with ClassCover ClassCover and the NSW Department of Education have partnered to provide NSW public schools access to the ClassCover booking app, automating the booking and managing of their casual teachers.