
AEU urges longer timeline for submissions to Gonski review The AEU has called on State and Territory Education Ministers to reject a four-week timeline for submissions to the Gonski 2.0 review panel. The Union said: ‘This review will shape funding negotiations with States and Territories that will directly impact thousands of children in our public schools.
Computer failure Australian schools have seen a huge push in recent decades to bring more computing and IT use into classrooms. Has it produced positive results? The evidence suggests that far from improving student outcomes, our focus on IT has been detrimental. This article discusses the consequences of IT on student performance, cognition and beyond the classroom. It also examines the impact IT has
Everyday hinderances may force overwhelmed uni students to give up New Australian research shows accumulating everyday issues such as juggling work and study are as likely as a major event such as a death in the family to “tip the balance” for overwhelmed university students and may lead them to withdraw.
Kids Alive - Do the Five water safety app launched Do The Five has launched a free app to help keep children water safe. The app is a free download in the Apple and Google Play stores and is aimed at parents and young children. It includes music, cartoons, eBooks with a focus on home, pool, beach and farm water safety.
Submissions open for review to achieve educational excellence in Australian schools Submissions for the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools chaired by Mr David Gonski will close on Friday 13 Oct. The report and recommendations on on how school funding should be used to improve school performance and student outcomes will be submitted by March 2018.
New $10.5m science program to give 5000 NSW students hands-on biotech lab experience Over the next three years, an expected 5000 NSW students and 60 teachers in NSW are expected to engage in a $10.5m program through a partnership between The Amgen Foundation and The University of Sydney. The three-week in-class initiative provides intensive PD for teachers
Early Learning Achievement Report: Australia can do better Independent education policy think tank, Mitchell Institute at Victoria University, has commented that a new report by Early Learning Everyone Benefits shows that early childhood education in Australia can, and must, improve.The report finds Australia has made good progress in recent years
iNewsletter moves the school newsletter on parents' mobiles Naavi, developer of iNewsletter has urged schools to "get with the times" as research reveals that more than 60% of parents read their schools' newsletter on a mobile device. But most schools are still sending out their weekly bulletin as a PDF, which is cumbersome to access on a mobile phone.
TEMAG Report Card shows strong progress in ITE reforms Education leaders met on 14 Sept to discuss their continued commitment to strengthening initial teacher education, which will lead to higher quality, classroom-ready graduates. Coinciding with the event was the release of the TEMAG Report Card.  
App-based safety support for international students For 500,000+ international students [1], studying in Australia can be a life enhancing experience, but it also has unknown risks. A new emergency alert system provides app-based access to in-person critical incident and support services around the clock. 
Girls sweep eight medals including gold at the Int'l Physics Olympiad YiJie Neo, a Year 12 student from John Monash Science School in Melbourne, has won a gold medal in the International Earth Science Olympiad in France, bringing the Australian team medal haul to 17 at the UNESCO-sanctioned 2017 International Science Olympiads. 
Phillip Island Nature Parks to host two-day Teachers’ Expo What has three different ecosystems, 97km of spectacular coastline, strong educational programs linked with curriculum, unique wildlife, indigenous history, Victoria’s leading attractions and is only 90 minutes from Melbourne? Phillip Island of course!