
Victoria’s high-rise primary school opens The gritty formerly industrial area around Fisherman’s Bend in Melbourne’s inner south continues its gentrification with the jewel in the crown, South Melbourne Primary School, now open and teaching its first cohort of kids.
Sydney school spearheads sports head injury care Head trauma incurred during sport is serious, what’s more is the damage is cumulative, beginning on the school sports field, and often it isn’t until later life that the full effects come to light.
Principals flourish with program Who would be a school principal? Over worked, under pressure, time poor… being a principal is tough, that’s a given, but pinning down exactly how to make the job easier is harder still. A year old program is changing things dramatically.  Dr Adam Fraser, who’s a performance researcher, keynote speaker and author has developed a badly needed wellbeing program for principals that is saving careers. Fraser has encouraged principals to change the way that they worked to build more time and space to concentrate on leading teaching and learning rather than administrating
$5.7m upgrade underway at Warragul Regional College Students across the Warragul region will soon be enjoying new facilities with a major upgrade at the Warragul Regional College which is one of the oldest secondary schools in Australia.
New upgrades for historic school in Port Melbourne Work is set to begin on a new $5.4 million upgrade of Port Melbourne Primary School. The upgrade includes a new multi-purpose gymnasium, with indoor basketball and netball courts and the local community will have access to the facilities.
Australian schools get resources from Woolworths Earn & Learn  Aussie schools and early learning centres are set to receive more than 300,000 vital education resources from this week, with Woolworths store managers delivering equipment as part of the Woolworths Earn & Learn program.
Call for Gallup Student Poll 2018 registration The 2018 Australia/NZ Gallup Student Poll is open for registration. This  poll surveys ANZ Students in Years 5–13 on non-cognitive measures like hope, well-being, engagement, entrepreneurial aspiration and career and financial literacy.
Data and equity make learning visible: an Invitational Road Map John Young, Principal of Clarkson Community High School, has seen the difference visible learning makes. An emphasis on research and data has focused teachers’ attention on the why, how and what of accelerating student learning.
SA business and education working together on STEAM It looks like education and industry are beginning to work together on the direction that STEAM education will take if the SMARTSchool which opened this week on the University of South Australia’s Magill Campus is any indication.
Outstanding SACE achievers recognised with Governor’s Commendation  Twenty-seven outstanding South Australian Certificate of Education students were recognised for their achievements in academics as well as their contributions to community and the arts.
Wominjeka inclusive space at Mount Dandenong Schools are encouraged to come up with innovative projects based on their existing facilities and the needs of their students with disabilities to access the Vic Government’s $20 million Inclusive Schools Fund.
Innovative resource for safeguarding children It is timely that the Australian Catholic University (ACU) has launched an innovative web-portal that provides safeguarding initiatives and preventative approaches to child sexual abuse within organisations.