
Gap Year in the ADF The year after high school is often a bit of a lost one but the ADF is offering school leavers the opportunity to have a taste of military life and do some travel in Australia.
How can parents and teachers spot the signs of bullying? Not dobbing is a tenet of the schoolyard code so with a quarter of Australian kids reporting they’ve been bullied repeatedly and half saying they’ve experienced bullying at least once, parents and teachers need to be able to identify the signs.
2018 TeachTechPlay Conference nearly here Teachers from all across Australia, Philippines and New Zealand will gather again at the 2018 #TTPlay Conference to enjoy a great cohort of speakers and the informative, fun sessions that the conference has come to be known for.
Two indigenous scholarships from Bridging the Gap Foundation and International College of Hotel Management Bridging the Gap Foundation has announced a new partnership with the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) to provide two scholarships for Indigenous students to attend the college and study hospitality.
Overcoming School Refusal: A practical guide for teachers, counsellors, caseworkers and parents While it can be challenge getting kids to perform at school, for some the challenge is getting them there in the first place. School refusal affects up to 5% of children and is a complex and stressful issue for the child, their family and school.
School autonomy double edged sword Giving schools more autonomy was supposed to promote a nimbler, more accountable system both academically and financially, and it has, but not without deficits in fairness, politically, culturally and economically.
Conference looks at big data, AI, the Internet of Things and the future of learning The 2018 Digital Learning Summit next week, hosted by the University of South Australia will explore the impact of  digital technology on where, when and how we learn.
22 international teams, 51 Aussies in robot battle High school teams from across the Asia Pacific will arrive at Quaycentre Sydney to battle it out at the FIRST Robotics Competition Australian Regionals on Friday. This is the 27th season of the competition.
Data literacy needs more work We know this much: interpreting and applying data is a big part of improving the way schools function and monitoring how students are performing. It’s just that a lot of educators don’t know all that much about how it is done.
Specialist programs and data make a difference as standards go nowhere It’s 10 years in and NAPLAN has revealed one thing: there have been no significant gains in either reading or numeracy. The biggest improvements have been achieved with teaching approaches, intensive teaching programs and data.
New AITSL Guidelines For Principals Some are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them, some wing it. Often there isn’t much in the way of preparing someone for a leadership role, it just kind of happens. Steps are being made though to help principals to lead.
My School 2018 website revamp The publishing of NAPLAN results on the MySchool website allows parents to monitor how their kids’ school is tracking against the performance of others and professional groups are liking what they see.