
NAPLAN tests and technical requirements online Teachers, students and parents can become familiar with NAPLAN Online by completing mini-tests available on the NAPLAN public demonstration site, located within the NAP website. Visit the NAP website to find out the minimum technical requirements for completing NAPLAN Online.
New HSC music program puts Australian composers centre stage HSC music students and teachers are being given access to the thinking and methods of some of Australia's leading composers in a new program developed by education academics at the University of Technology Sydney.
ACEL 2018 Conference theme is 'Trust your experience – setting the learning agenda' The venue for next year's Conference is the Melbourne Convention Centre from 3–5 October. The meeting will discuss the process of learning through experience, providing delegates with an opportunity to develop their professional knowledge and apply this knowledge to schools and systems.
Make My Idea winners will have clever concepts prototyped Make My Idea is a national competition for student inventors. Winners will see their innovative idea transformed into an early stage prototype model, or 3D or 2D design, and have their ideas shown live on YouTube.
Context, context, context: implementing coaching in schools Prof Christian van Nieuwerburgh (van Nieuwerburgh, 2012, p.17) defines coaching in education as: … a one-to-one conversation that focuses on the enhancement of learning and development through increasing self-awareness and a sense of personal responsibility, where the coach facilitates the self-directed learning of the coachee through questioning,
New suite of STEM experiences at Vic Scienceworks Museums Victoria has announced two new permanent exhibitions and a suite of parallel programs at Scienceworks to prepare the next generation for a world of science, technology, engineering and maths. Beyond Perception: Seeing the Unseen will open in April 2018.
MLC girls win in VIC Formula 1 STEM Challenge Three student teams from Melbourne's MLC have placed 1st, 3rd and 4th in the VIC regional competition. F1 in Schools in the world’s largest STEM competition, involving over nine million students who design, build, test and race miniature F1 cars.
Islamic School of Canberra loses federal funds Following an internal review by the DET, the Islamic School of Canberra will lose its Commonwealth Funding effective 16 December. The decision, announced by Minister Simon Birmingham on Friday 27 October, upheld the original decision to revoke the authority’s approval under the Australian Education Act 2013.
Junior game designers create a reaction at PAX Gaming industry experts have commended winners of the 2017 Australian STEM Video Game Challenge for their remarkable levels of creativity and technical skill. This year's competition required students as young as 10 to design and build a video game addressing the theme 'reaction'.
Principals lose hiring freedom in WA Independent Public Schools Since 2010, IPS principals have had complete autonomy over staff selection, but under a change of direction ordered by Education Minister Sue Ellery, they will have to consider education department "redeployees" before hiring  teachers, support and admin staff.
Noel Pearson's literacy program funding extended Noel Pearson's Good to Great schools program, designed to boost remote students’ literacy and numeracy has been backed with a further $4.1 million from the Turnbull Government, following the release of an independent report highlighting its positive impacts.
Indigenous students failing to make the maths grade Indigenous students are eight times more likely to fall behind in maths by Year 9 than non-indigenous students, dampening regional innovation according to AMSI's 2017 Discipline Profile of the Mathematical Sciences.