
Hazardous profession
Hazardous profession
Stressed, overworked and threatened: principals unite under new body The Coalition of Australian Principals (CAP) has been created to address the difficult and dangerous nature of the job.
The Broken Windows Theory and School Leadership The Broken Windows Theory posits that the deliberate breaking of windows in a community results in societal changes (disorder, fear, withdrawal), which then allows more serious crimes to creep in.
Ray Boyd and Dr Neil MacNeill, principals
Scrap the textbooks: why making maths fun is a nationwide priority My kids were born mathematicians. But around the time they started school, their natural affinity for mathematics began to die.
Christopher Hogbin, Global Digital Education Lead
Eight years in the making – pay rise for early childhood teachers The Fair Work Commission handed down a decision supporting pay rises of up to 10 per cent for early childhood teachers.
Australia's girls' maths team ties best ever result in Europe The Australian team of four girls showed the depth of female maths talent in Australia.
Internet access
Internet access
SpaceX and Starlink $100K grant for better Oz rural school broadband An Australian regional school will get a $100,000 grant to put towards a world-class communications system connecting to Starlink.
How can we challenge a conversation if we lack courage? Rachel Downie developed Stymie – harm reporting without fear, the program intends to address our cultural reluctance to speak out when something is wrong.
Conversations on racism need to start in school, but don’t Children can discuss issues of racism in the classroom and with friends, but parents and teachers are actively avoiding these conversations.
Making a nationally relevant curriculum for 2021 and beyond Further review of the education sector should address these key issues.
Greg O'Connor, Education and Technology Lead at Texthelp AsiaPacific
Developing Inviting Schools: A Beneficial Framework for Teaching and Leading Purkey, now in his 90s, may yet have more books in him; however, whether he does or not, this book may very well be his magnum opus.
Reviewed by John J. Ivers, Brigham Young University Idaho
New Generation Cloud Filter for Schools – safety online across all platforms Safe surfing across every platform and device.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and Trauma Informed Schools In the United States and Britain a new wave of awareness of childhood trauma is sweeping through schools in the shape of the Trauma Informed Schools movement, and we can expect that Australia will follow this trend.
Dr Neil MacNeill, Principal, Chairperson Veterans' Children's Education Board (WA)
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