
How now
How now
The School of Now gets a head start on remote Remote delivery of subjects to students in Western Sydney through the School of Now has proven timely, giving students advance exposure to learning leveraged with Zoom and the Canvas LMS.
How teachers' self-fulfilling prophecies, known as The Pygmalion Effect, influence students' success Teachers’ beliefs in the form of self-fulfilling prophecies, which have been labelled The Pygmalion Effect, can also be a game changer in selected students’ educational options.
Ray Boyd, Dr Neil MacNeill
Get involved with NiDA
Get involved with NiDA
Audience invited to take part in NIDA Ghost Lights Audiences worldwide are invited to perform, record, and upload a monologue to social media and the best monologues will be showcased every week.
Identity management sorted in SA Micro Focus’ identity management solution has been selected by Insync Solutions as part of the South Australian Department for Education’s EdPass project. 
Online community
Online community
Wodonga school went remote using its LMS Wodonga Middle Years College (WMYC), on the Vic/NSW border transitioned its entire student body to remote learning in response to COVID-19 restrictions by leveraging the full capabilities of its learning management system.
A corporation?
A corporation?
Corporate strategies work in school management Principals might be well served by taking a leaf out of the corporate management book and adopting some of the strategies that CEOs of large corporations rely on.
Warning signs
Warning signs
Identifying the warning signs: Tips for teachers for a child who is distressed Worries soared following the return of Term 2 deadlines. Students will now have received marks and question their capacity. It is not surprising that students will feel unsettled.
Dr Danielle Einstein
School’s in for AFL Bombers The new ‘Train Like a Bomber’ course is being offered to schools all over Australia and will appeal to any sports minded student.
Problems solved
Problems solved
Primary students’ mathematical problem-solving skills and the relationship to chess practice Skills used in chess translate to learning maths.
Lanella Sweet
Happy face
Happy face
Emojis a happy face for online feedback Emojis have been found to be a great motivator for students especially in a home school scenario.   
We're jammin
Music builds cohesion and essential learning skills Music is about connection so, unsurprisingly, it helps build inclusion for non-English-speaking and refugee students in the Australian school system.
Little-known disorder affects one in 20 children A common developmental disorder is being missed as it often coexists with other neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD or autism.