
Virtual Wakakirri
Virtual Wakakirri
Wakakirri able to offer limited live events in Term 4 and Wakakirri online Schools in States and Territories around Australia other than Victoria will be able to participate in Wakakirri Online.
Adam Loxley, Festival Director
Increased scoial awarness
Increased scoial awarness
Children tell stories of social awareness Use of 'We' in compositions skyrockets and words that have appeared in submissions for the first time reveal a vocabulary driven by current affairs.
Manage stress
Manage stress
How teachers can prevent post-pandemic burnout During a stressful time there are strategies to avoid burnout.
Peta Sigley, Co-Founder and Chief Knowledge Officer at Springfox
System improvement
System improvement
Hooker headed to Harvard Scholarship winner to study in Massachusetts.
The Post Pandemic Professional Learning Community How the crisis may reshape how teachers work together.
Thomas Jones Head of English Learning Area and Level 3 Classroom Teacher at Joseph Banks Secondary College in Banksia Grove, Perth
2020 Canon Oceania Grants Program open Each Grant winner will receive a total of $5,000 in cash and Canon products.
Swinburne ATAR-less entry program Swinburne’s early entry program is offering an ATAR free entry process to help the 2020 virus affected Year 12 cohort.
Tutor blitz
Tutor blitz
$1b tutoring blitz needed to help students catch up Children will have fallen behind in their work during lock down and a catch up needs to be effected by a battalion of 100,000 tutors.
Education gets connected: The power of IoT in schools We're just starting to touch on the power of IoT in schools.
George Wilson, Director of Operations Paessler
Happier teachers
Happier teachers
How to build self-efficacy for teacher job satisfaction Self efficacy makes for happier teachers who will want to stay in their jobs.
Rachael Greensill, University of the Sunshine Coast
Change is constant
Change is constant
Shifting Sands - what can we learn from the educational response to COVID-19 One of the salient aspects of life is its ability to evolve, COVID-19 has elicited such a change.
Steve Laing, Maths, Science and Career Skills, Clarkson Community High School
Financial literacy
Financial literacy
Develop primary kids’ financial and civic literacy The Australian Taxation Office has co-designed a resource with primary school teachers.