
VR in education
VR in education
Sunshine Coast school’s VR teaching is among the world’s best The Mountain Creek State High School on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland's use of Immersive Virtual Reality has won the school a place in a UN showcase of 100 schools.
Self directed
Self directed
Independent learning is a skill that needs nurturing When students get to university they’re expected to direct their own learning to a degree and not all of them are able to do it. It is a skill in of itself and should be taught as other skills are.
Reach out
Reach out
What should educators keep in mind when responding to widespread burnout What sensible steps can we take for ourselves to respond to burnout?
Dr Danielle Einstein
Three story books aim to end the coward punch The Pat Cronin Foundation has launched three inspirational story books written for primary school-aged children to educate them about the dangers of violence.
Online school doubles subscriptions An online schooling platform for Australian and international students from pre-kindergarten to Year 12 has seen a doubling in the number of students subscribing to its website.
Nine ways to help kids to get a job To be successful in finding a job kids need the support of their parents, an early introduction to what work involves and knowledge as to what employers are looking for.
Changing the grammar of schooling post-COVID-19 Tyack and Cuban (1995) note that the ‘grammar’ for schools has changed barely a jot since Charles Dickens’ depiction of the M'Choakumchild School in Hard Times.
Univ-Prof D Klaus Zierer, Ordinarius fur Schulpadagogik, Universitat Augsburg and John Young, Principal, Clarkson Community High
Online health
Online health
How schools can leverage online health during COVID-19 Online speech pathology and occupational therapy services are suited to the current situation around the virus, therapy works well online with an appropriate support network
Ed Johnson, Chief Clinical Officer and Co-Founder of Umbo
More advantages to remote learning found There is building evidence that remote learning is advantageous to low SES students and allows teachers to spend more time with students who need the attention.
Teachers lack training for dyslexic students Dyslexia is the most common learning difficulty, yet Australia fails to properly support those with the condition.
Online safety
Online safety
Free online workshop teaches girls to stay safe online Brisbane-based The Tech Girls Movement Foundation is hosting a free online workshop to teach girls and their parents how to best keep safe online. 
Virtual resources
Virtual resources
Virtual resources from The Jewish Holocaust Centre The Jewish Holocaust Centre has built a suite of virtual learning resources and customised virtual workshops which will bring its message to a wider audience.