
Tutor blitz
Tutor blitz
$1b tutoring blitz needed to help students catch up Children will have fallen behind in their work during lock down and a catch up needs to be effected by a battalion of 100,000 tutors.
Happier teachers
Happier teachers
How to build self-efficacy for teacher job satisfaction Self efficacy makes for happier teachers who will want to stay in their jobs.
Rachael Greensill, University of the Sunshine Coast
Change is constant
Change is constant
Shifting Sands - what can we learn from the educational response to COVID-19 One of the salient aspects of life is its ability to evolve, COVID-19 has elicited such a change.
Steve Laing, Maths, Science and Career Skills, Clarkson Community High School
Financial literacy
Financial literacy
Develop primary kids’ financial and civic literacy The Australian Taxation Office has co-designed a resource with primary school teachers.
Not just a school issue
Not just a school issue
Bullying a whole society problem Bullying isn’t just a school-based problem it’s a whole-of-society issue and needs to be addressed at a community level if it is to be curbed.
Be prepared
Be prepared
How to prepare your school’s communications plan for a potential coronavirus crisis Prepare your response to a potential virus crisis in advance.
Phoebe Netto, Managing Director of Pure Public Relations
Managing a crisis
Managing a crisis
How educational institutions can learn their way forward after a crisis In a crisis, it’s critical to focus on the immediate tasks.
Christopher Bradman, General Manager, Instructure, APAC
More school psychologists
More school psychologists
Charles Sturt to deliver NSW school psychologist training Demand for school psychologists has resulted in and new online course from Charles Sturt Uni.
A few problems
A few problems
Shergold and Gonski’s problems with education David Gonski and Peter Shergold see a few things that subtract from the quality of education in the country.
The Clarkson Recovery Mission post-COVID-19 - Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in a Professional Learning Community At Clarkson, we began to conceptualise how to lead our school out of this crisis situation.
John Young, Principal
Too much time on NAPLAN
Too much time on NAPLAN
Excessive time dedicated to teaching to NAPLAN Data have indicated just how much time has been spent teaching to the NAPLAN maths assessment since the test was dropped for this year.
Next wave of anxiety
Next wave of anxiety
Step-by-step guide for teachers in managing a child’s anxiety and worry during COVID-19 In phase two of COVID, we grapple with worries around loss of income, school closures and health concerns.
Dr Danielle Einstein is a leading expert in managing uncertainty