
Anti stress tips
Anti stress tips
When a pandemic strikes in Year 12 Assoc Prof Joanne Dickson is an expert in mental health, wellbeing and motivation, here she gives you her tips for getting through a doubly stressful Year 12.
Associate Professor Joanne Dickson
Situation OK
Situation OK
Can schools' IT hold up? In Australia we’re quite lucky as schools are well positioned and have been delivering edge use cases of distance, digital and remote schooling requirements for some years now.
Q&A with Nathan Steiner, Head of Systems and Engineering, Veeam, a data management provider
UniSA confident SA schools can transition to online education UniSA’s Head of School: Education, Prof Shane Dawson, believes this will be a challenging period for teachers, students and parents alike, but says the broad ambition of delivering an online curriculum for the majority of the State’s school students is achievable.
Early STEAM enhancement
Early STEAM enhancement
Walls of enrichment with STEAM enhancing Nanoleaf We’re a visual species and the kids doubly so, but time spent on the screens should be limited and one way of doing that is by giving them something else to look at.
Career paths in IT
Career paths in IT
CompTIA clarifies IT career paths The IT industry is one of the healthiest and entry into it has the benefit of being skills based, the age of entry isn’t so important and clear pathways to in-demand jobs are accessible.
Studyclix free
Studyclix free
Free online VCE teaching resources for Vic schools affected by COVID-19 VCE study resource has extended an invitation for all schools affected by the COVID-19 closures to take advantage of free school licenses for the Studyclix platform.
Youth surveyed
Youth surveyed
Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2020 is open Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2020 is now open, with the charity extending the opening period to encourage as many young people as possible aged 15-19 across Australia to have their say.
Literary resouce links to published authors
Literary resouce links to published authors
Kids' online creative writing platform enlists Aussie authors and offers free resources Littlescribe is an Australian online educational writing platform which kickstarts school childrens’ writing by linking them with published authors. The platform is now making literacy services free to teachers and parents working to keep home learning on track.
Do it properly
Do it properly
No failure learning in military instruction Because failure to learn may have dire consequences for military students, the American Department of the Army (1954) firmly asserts: “if a student failed to learn, the instructor failed to teach” (p. 5). Whew! That puts a different spin on our teaching doesn’t it?
Blair Johns, Teacher, Dr Neil MacNeill, Principal, Ellenbrook Primary School
Winners are grinners
Winners are grinners
2020 Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards give a nod to 12 outstanding teachers The diversity of teachers given the 2020 Commonwealth Bank Teaching Award highlights the importance of vision in bringing great education.
Schools getting cryptojacked Just in case you haven’t had enough of viruses, here’s some digital ones. This is a nice 21st century problem; increasingly hackers are attacking schools to hijack their computer power to assist in the memory heavy activity of cryptocurrency mining.
Tangible coding
Tangible coding
Osmo Coding Jam and Kaleidoscope Osmo is a good way to introduce some constructive play and makes for a better use of the ipad than watching SSundee or Ryan’s Toy Review endlessly. There’s a couple of new offerings in the series which lets kids animate and interact with the Osmo world on the ipad and Amazon Fire tablets.