Winners announced for Flatten the Curve Hackathon
Over 48 hours of intense, white knuckle hacking more than 2400 competitors from 10 different time zones formed teams and set out to solve some of the biggest challenges our nation and world face during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scientists on tap
New ANSTO STEAM Club sees great response
Kids like STEAM if the results of the ANSTO new online STEAM Club are anything to go by, over 1000 subscribed within days of its launch in time for the school holidays.
How Bree Hills revived Canberra Christian School
When Bree Hills returned to Canberra to raise her son after a teaching and corporate career, the born and bred Canberran thought it would be good if he went to Canberra Christian School.
Free OSMOs
50 Osmo sets to be won
Osmo which brings animation and coding to the ipad and fire tablet is giving away 50 Osmo sets free, yup free, beats an Easter egg, you just have to be a teacher
Activities from fintech experts downloadable
The Girls4Tech™ program which has been designed to encourage girls into STEAM has made available a suite of educational resources built on global science and math standards.
Experts call for ATAR equity measures
States and the Commonwealth have agreed that students will graduate with ATARs and the cohort will not have to repeat the year.