Home learning cyber attacks up by 667%
The rapid move to home learning could be a cyber security threat with the risk of ransomware, phishing and other cyber-attacks.
No help sought
Young not seeking eating disorder help
It looks like eating disorders and body image issues are rife in the young but many are not seeking help as they don’t consider that the disorders are really illnesses and don’t want to risk losing autonomy.
Ozharvest’s new FEAST online resources
OzHarvest has launched new online resources for their primary school program FEAST, making home learning about sustainability, food waste and healthy eating fun and engaging.
Online resources from AM
‘Inside out’ museum
Through the new portal ‘Australian Museum Inside Out’, the Australian Museum (AM), the nation’s first, has opened its doors virtually.
COVID-19 Impact: Year 12 ATAR calculation will change
Year 12 students will receive an ATAR university entrance rank in 2020 but assessment authorities will have to change how scores are calculated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Breathe deeply and give voice to your career
Your voice reveals a lot about you and it can help, or hinder, your career. The key to a confident, clear voice is all in the way that you’re breathing and you’re probably not doing it right.
Say hi AI
A ready-made curriculum for teaching AI
AI is the next disruptive technology, maybe the most disruptive of all, it’s already touching and revolutionising pretty much everything from marking papers to finding your way around town.