
Home advantage
Home advantage
Covid-19 and home learning: Metro students more likely to get live teaching The educational divide has been starkly obvious during Covid-19 and home learning.
Selina Samuels Chief Learning Officer, Cluey Learning
Hard for young disabled
Hard for young disabled
Young disabled face more mental health concerns and are often bullied Young disabled are more likely to report mental health concerns and are twice as likely to have experienced bullying.
Music teaching stars
Music teaching stars
Music teacher to get the spotlight Entries for the fourth Telstra ARIA Music Teacher of the Year Award are now open.
Bit of Macbeth?
Bit of Macbeth?
Bell Shakespeare archive open to schools National theatre company Bell Shakespeare will open its archives for a special limited release of production recordings from its recent history, exclusively for schools. 
Out of field
Out of field
Out of field teaching common in Year 10 STEM One in eight Australian Year 10 STEM classes is taught by teachers outside their field of expertise due to staff shortages and a lack of funding.
Some distance
Some distance
Collaboration while distancing Classrooms will need to navigate social distancing guidelines and screens between students might be a solution.
Childhood lost
Childhood lost
Child’s play ‘lost’ in pandemic Disruptions to socialising and fun caused by the COVID-19 restrictions could have a lasting effect on child wellbeing.
Write a book for cancer
Write a book for cancer
Book in your fight for cancer kids The annual Write a Book in a Day competition run by independent national charity, The Kids’ Cancer Project, is underway and there’s only a couple of weeks left to enter.
The show goes on
The show goes on
The show goes on for one Sydney school despite COVID-19 When stage one restrictions were announced for Covid-19, Primary School teacher Jyoti Kendrigan’s heart sank.
New Wellbeing Pulse offered to help schools look after students while distance learning continues Educator Impact has offered its new Wellbeing Pulse tool to help schools  look after students while COVID-19 distance learning continues.
Too much pressure
Too much pressure
NESLI moves Staff Wellbeing Toolkit fully online There is increasing pressure on teachers as uncertainty around how education will be delivered during the pandemic impacts their health and wellbeing.
Coming up
Coming up
Six tech trends that will shape society and education in the coming decade It’s tempting to think the digital revolution is well advanced. In fact, it’s only just beginning.
Budd Ilic, Australia and New Zealand Country Manager, Zscaler