Data-driven school insights for principals
Principals from across Australia will now have access to rigorous, data-driven insights to supplement their professional intuition and experience when making decisions about their school’s workforce with the launch of PeopleBench.
30K Canon grants program open for applications
Canon Oceania’s 2019 Grants Program is open for submissions, this year, over $30,000 worth of grants made up of both cash and Canon equipment is up for grabs across Australia and New Zealand.
Chromebook App Hub brings hardware to life
Chromebooks are a good stable piece of equipment and their utility in the classroom is being boosted with the Chromebook App Hub.
Kids lack basic physical skills
A program run by The University of Western Australia has found many Perth children are falling short of developing basic physical skills.
Measuring the Teaching and Learning Journey
High-stakes assessment has been an important rite of passage throughout much of human history. Many ancient cultures and tribal societies required their young to undertake risky and painful quests to make the transition to adulthood. We continue to deploy this rite of passage in the form of national school leaver examinations today.
Vivid Sydney shared with students from regional Australia
Students from Mount Burr in South Australia will get the opportunity to visit the emerald city and see the world-famous Vivid festival, evening up the disparity in experiences between city and regional students.