
Online programs changing literacy education Technology is playing a significant role in teaching literacy, with online education programs gaining increasing recognition and presence in schools.
Attendance and student achievement go hand in hand School attendance and student achievement are closely linked, highlighting the importance of forming good attendance habits early.
Victoria’s Longest-Serving Educators Recognised More than 400 teachers and staff from the Department of Education and Training have been recognised for their long careers in public education at a ceremony for employees who have reached 40, 45, 50 and 55 years of service in 2019.
SBS and the eSafety Commissioner create educational resources about cyber safety Ahead of the premiere of new SBS drama, The Hunting, SBS has partnered with the eSafety Commissioner to produce educational resources that will help parents and teachers keep young people safe online.
$1000 boost for students’ environmental projects Applications for a new round of Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants are now open, the grants look to encourage young environmental champions.
Musica Viva In Schools launches 2020 program Musica Viva has finalised the Musica Viva In Schools 2020 season, the 75th year of the organisation bringing live music to children and educators all over Australia.
Udderly brilliant – it’s Healthy Bones Action Week Dairy Australia is calling on all primary schools to get moo-ving this August and take part in the 2019 Healthy Bones Action Week program.
Why are Australian teachers under so much strain? An Aussie study has found that teachers are living with unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety. Is there a conflict between our changing expectations of education and the current classroom format?
Books in Homes supporting literacy in eight regional Queensland schools The Books in Homes Program will continue in north west Queensland for another five years with Glencore extending its support by funding eight primary schools in the region.
Accessing innovative learning environments Transitions is a three-day event in Melbourne focusing on the journey schools and teachers make as they reimagine and redevelop their learning spaces.
Education a bright spot in slowing jobs market It’s mid-year and it’s always a quiet time before the madness leading up to Christmas, job market activity is usually slower than usual and most states are recording declines in job ad numbers, that is unless you’re in education.
How Australian graduates can succeed in today’s job market Making the transition from education to work is a tough one, but it’s easier with a plan and skills that employers are demanding, tech skills are important but so are soft skills and an ability to keep learning.