
Abandoning ‘The Age of Manufacture’ concept: How collaboration works for learners and teachers In his book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, (2009) Ken Robinson writes  “Students are educated in batches, according to age, as if the most important thing they have in common is their date of manufacture.”
Funding for future female leaders Funding from The National Excellence in School Leadership Initiative has been made available to both teaching and non-teaching female staff working in Australia’s K–12 education sector.
Testing the teaching profession Teaching is essential but keeping teachers is hard and a new parliamentary inquiry into the profession will seek to find out how those in the profession can be made happy and fulfilled.
Students sing their Songs of Belonging with Opera Queensland’s help Yeronga State High School in inner-south Brisbane school has partnered with Opera Queensland to develop a stripped back opera to spotlight the stories and vocal abilities of its diverse student body.
Think you’re a Sphero hero? Sphero’s been a hit with Aussie educators and the company behind the programmable rolling robot are giving them a chance to strut their stuff.
National Archives presents the WW1 aftermath online With Armistice Day just passed its timely to reflect on the lives of people after the war ended, how they reacted when they came home, rebuilt lives, careers and relationships.
Expanded Qld disciplinary powers harmful Legislation expanding Queensland principals’ disciplinary powers was intended to decrease the number of suspensions and exclusions but has had the opposite effect.
Pay attention to ADHD kids Interventions which include one-to-one support and a focus on self-regulation improved academic outcomes in kids with ADHD providing an alternative to medication.
Year 9 students have a year at Ivanhoe Grammar School’s University Ivanhoe Grammar students will be given a taste of university life for a year commencing in 2019 building upon the school’s successful short-term program which ran for 10 years.
Competition makes for excellence in Qld school architecture Queensland is firming up its reputation as a hotbed of independent education, there is strong competition for students and that means parents are becoming very discerning about the schools they choose for their children.
Integrated suicide prevention works best A study has found youth-specific interventions conducted in clinical, educational and community settings can be effective in helping those at risk of suicide.
Personal and social capabilities teaching lacking in Australia Despite the importance of mental wellbeing, a majority of teachers don’t feel equipped or supported to teach personal and social capabilities.