
Musica Viva 2019 season launch Musica Viva’s shows for the coming year have been announced and the program will continue its work taking live music and educational resources to children all over Australia.
Risk management in schools Risk management is the kind of thing that can be put on the back burner but it is a great way to avoid problems, and having some processes in place if or when things do go wrong is a great advantage.
SACE grows in Asia They must be doing something right in South Australian education as seven more schools in Asia will teach the world-class South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) for the first time from 2019.
Sounds like a phonics debate Phonics has been controversial for years and leading educators will meet in Sydney next week to further the debate. They will present and argue the case for particular methods as well as the limitations of approaches.
94% of Indigenous boarding students complete Year 12 It looks like sending Indigenous students to boarding schools is one of the more successful programs to address deficits in indigenous opportunity and career and life outcomes.
Malware attacks most common at school return The return from school holidays can be a drag in a number of ways but the most damaging is the threat of malware attacks. Often staff and students bring in a device that's been infected at home.
Theatre and science come together to boost littlies in STEM What do you get when a leading medical research facility and an internationally acclaimed theatre company work together? World leading STEM resources.
$5000 for inclusive education equipment in Vic Victorian schools will receive an additional $5000 to invest in specialised equipment and assistive technology that supports students with disabilities and additional learning needs.
Boredom a great basis for children’s play “I’m bored”, they say while seated next to enough electronic entertainments to launch a local JB HiFi, but if kids are bored well let them be bored, it’s a good thing.
How can kids dodge national debt disaster? We’re awash with debt, deluged by it; one in six Australians is struggling with credit card debt and we’re around second in the world when it comes to private debt. Something needs to be done.
ANZ High School Esports League launches this month There is a new forum for the trans Tasman sporting rivalry with the launch of League of Legends high school esports league. It will act as a feeder competition into the professional esports league.
Young songwriter to win TV exposure Competition gives young songwriter the opportunity to have an original song featured in the internationally broadcast series XVenture Family Challenge set to be broadcast early next year.