
St. Bernard’s Primary finds evidence boosts learning It took some doing, but by taking time to have a good look at what was happening at St. Bernard’s Primary in Melbourne, the school has set itself on course for a more responsive, informed way of teaching and learning.
Better training for rural school principals needed Professional development to equip country principals to address incidents of domestic violence, juvenile justice, mental health and issues relating to indigenous students, in addition to student learning should be a priority.
Deep-seated discrimination for disabled in Victorian schools   Schools in Victoria have been given the right to assess their own progress around inclusiveness for disabled children and they have dropped the ball as the disabled continue to experience exclusion and disadvantage.
Training and standards boosted for pre-service teachers A close eye on the quality of pre-service teachers’ training and standards will help to develop teaching graduates who are up to scratch and work ready. AITSL will play a key role.
Marshmallow test indicates SES not future success In the entire history of pop science, the marshmallow test has yielded some of the cutest results. We've all seen the vision of kids presented with the option of eating marshmallow now or waiting 15 minutes and getting two.
Victorians roll out Minecraft to state schools Victorian schools are deploying Microsoft Office 365 and a statewide rollout of Minecraft: Education Edition, which will be made available to more than 600,000 students attending Victoria’s 1,500 state schools.
The NSW DOE books casual teachers with ClassCover ClassCover and the NSW Department of Education have partnered to provide NSW public schools access to the ClassCover booking app, automating the booking and managing of their casual teachers.
School holiday activities mean busy kids There’s loads on for Sydney kids these school holidays; they can create their own short movies, learn how to make jewellery or join in various sports and recreation programs as part of the City of Sydney’s winter school holidays program.
Five new Directors on AITSL Board  The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership has appointed five new Directors to its Board to support the organisation’s focus on supporting and promoting high quality teaching and school leadership.
Music helps language skills Researchers at Cognitive Brain Research Unit in the University of Helsinki studied in a community setting whether a low-cost, weekly music playschool provided to 5-6-year-old children affects their linguistic abilities.
Jacaranda now on LearningField online textbook platform With the addition of Jacaranda to the Copyright Agency’s LearningField digital textbook platform, teachers now have access to the resources of 20 of Australia's best educational publishers.
How are kids using tech outside of school? Deakin University researchers have developed a new resource for teachers to better understand how their students are using technology outside the classroom to support student learning.