Australia’s biggest online spelling competition kicks off
LiteracyPlanet’s Word Mania free online spelling competition for schools is happening again, Word Mania challenges students to build as many words as they can in three minutes from 15 randomly generated letter tiles.
Education a winner in Canon grants
Education projects were the finalists in three of Canon’s Community grants this year for projects supporting robotics and STEM, vulnerable girls and survivors of slavery.
National Skills Week to highlight vocational education
By 2023, Australia will need approximately one million more workers (5.36 million) with certificate two, three or four qualifications than it will those with bachelor degrees or higher (4.42 million).
Primary school replicated in LEGO at Legoland
Jake Baratta, age 8, from St. Peter’s Primary School won the exclusive opportunity to have his school built from LEGO after winning Legoland’s school design competition.
Roadmap needed for the Melbourne Declaration
Mitchell Institute at Victoria University has called on the Federal Education Minister to use the review of the Melbourne Declaration aims of schooling, to deliver a roadmap for delivery.
Boys need support for positive body image
It is vital that teachers and school leaders understand that body image and eating disorders are developing and increasing in those who identify as boys and men.