
Wakakirri announces Victorian Secondary Story Dance Challenge winners Victoria’s Secondary Challenge winners for the 2018 Wakakirri Story Dance Challenge were Hoppers Crossing Secondary College, Dromana College and Mount Erin Secondary College.
New school resources for Type 1 Diabetics The Vic Government is helping students with type 1 diabetes by releasing the new Diabetes Guidelines – Supporting Students with Type 1 Diabetes in Victorian Schools and the Diabetes at School online education package.
Aussie teachers working harder than their OS colleagues Funding cuts to Australian public schools are having a detrimental effect on teachers’ workload and the participation rates for early childhood education.
South Australia has first Year 12 end-of-year electronic exam In a nod to the changing technological face of education more than 2000 students will become the first in Australia to sit a Year 12 end-of-year electronic exam.
NSW’s best educators awarded A diverse range of NSW teachers have been recognised for their contribution to education at the Australian College of Educators (NSW Branch) Excellence in Education Awards.
A 10-year plan for women in STEM The Australian Academy of Science is consulting to develop a 10-year plan to boost women in STEM, an initiative from the 2018–19 Budget.
Victorian is top Aussie Secondary Maths Teacher Mindset learning has proven a winner for Victorian teacher, Hayley Dureau with the Mount Waverley Secondary College Leading Teacher and Head of Student Voice receiving the 2018 Outstanding Secondary Teacher award.
Aboriginal students respond to elders An education project developed by two Murdoch University researchers has shown that Aboriginal children are more motivated to learn when they spend time with Elders in an ‘On Country’ school setting.
Australian students feel unprepared for globalised world Australian students are a pretty anxious lot and if they’re nervous about what’s happening in their school lives they’re just as concerned about what awaits them post school, indicating that there isn’t enough being done to prepare them for a fast-paced globalised workforce.   According to a recent survey, international experience is shown to be lacking. While more than half of students (59%) say this is key to their future career prospects, one in three (37%) do not feel the curriculum delivers international experience.
Word is boys and girls are different An investigation into the type of words boys and girls use has revealed that much of their vocabulary is being learned out of school through popular media and that boys and girls exhibit different interests expressed by their word choice.
Thinking Maths program adds up to better results for primary kids A maths program developed by the South Australian Department for Education is putting primary school students two months ahead of their peers, secondary students not so much.
BHP Foundation Board earmarks $52m for global education The BHP Foundation has made a US$52 million commitment to support programs that aim to address global education disadvantage.