
Anti-Poverty Week 14–20 October 2018 Hundreds of activities will be held around Australia as part of Anti-Poverty Week 2018. Activities will include launches, forums, workshops, exhibitions, fund-raisers, publications, presentations.
Timetabler’s tips for elective line generation The elective line generation process is a critical phase in preparing a timetable. Get it right and you have laid a strong foundation for a great outcome. Get it wrong and there are sure to be headaches along the way.
Better services and more homes needed to support aspirations of indigenous young It’s tough being a young indigenous person, they face severe challenges in most aspects of life and are still generally less happy and secure than their non-indigenous counterparts. Mission Australia’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Report showed that Indigenous respondents were acutely concerned about drugs, bullying/emotional abuse, personal safety...
Be flexible with young children's reading Reading to kids helps with their literacy, that isn’t controversial, but giving students some input works even better and doesn't limit the ways kids are interacting with texts.
Aussie company to help put 3D Tech into over 200 United Arab Emirates Primary Schools The United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Education has announced a country-wide rollout of 3D technology into over 200 primary schools to begin in early 2019 and Australian company Makers Empire will be key.
Some experts' strategies for upcoming exams With Year 12 exams on the horizon students need some strategies to deal with the pressure, a number of experts weigh in with some advice.
Australian experts deliver school leadership program to USA Australia’s National Excellence in School Leadership Initiative (NESLI) has been chosen to develop and deliver a ground-breaking national teacher leadership program across the United States.
Bookish homes enhance literacy everywhere The effect of having lots of books around adolescents is profound, even those who didn’t go on to higher education experienced better literacy levels because of their exposure to books.
Winners of the 2018 NGS Super Scholarship Awards announced NGS Super has announced the winners of the 2018 NGS Super Scholarship Awards which encourage the betterment of those in the independent education sector.
New font ‘Sans Forgetica’ helps students study A new font makes students fill in the gaps, helping with information retention, and its release is timely as exam time kicks off.
Paper, iPads and child literacy Find yourself a pre-schooler and there will be a tablet nearby. It’s often a source of concern, after all shouldn’t they be reading books? Yes and no.
Two years of preschool for smarter Australia Providing two years of preschool for all children could boost our entire education system and later the economy Mitchell Institute at Victoria University Director, Megan O’Connell says.