
How to recruit more teachers for the student boom The Why Choose Teaching? report, just released by the LSIA at ACU, presents the results of a large scale teacher survey, aiming to discover the motivations and influences that have attracted practicing teachers to enter the profession.
LoRa schools internet challenge for Tassie students Tasmanian schools are encouraged to engage with new technologies through the LoRa Schools Challenge. Students are invited to come up with the best new ideas of how a state–wide Internet of Things could improve lives.
Child Safety data shows ice an ongoing problem for QLD families New data shows the number of children in need of protection because of ice use by parents has risen. While most referrals came from family, friends, neighbours, Police and Health providers, a smaller number of referrals came from schools.
Do you AC what I see? A long, long time ago, in some offices far, far away, a group of Ministers had a dream – a dream for a unified national curriculum. A dream that seemed like it might actually come to fruition if only the needs of parents, teachers, education systems, political influences, interest groups and market forces could be seamlessly integrated into a cohesive framework with the betterment of our students at its heart. Yet now, as we upgrade from Australian Curriculum Version 7.5 to Version 8.3, it has become evident that a unified national education agenda is still more dream than reality. 
First of 10 tech schools in VIC scheduled for completion next year A new technology focused learning centre is planned for Victoria University’s Werribee Campus. Once constructed, the Wyndham Tech School will be one of 10 new Tech Schools planned for Victoria.
AHISA pleased with Gonski's review panel AHISA welcomes the announcement of members of the ‘Gonski 2.0 Review’ panel, and are encouraged that people with valuable school leadership experience are represented on the panel.
Failing to address the needs of gifted children Gifted students are the most neglected in Australia’s education system because teachers are not being given the training they need to meet these students’ special needs, according to a UNSW expert in gifted education.
Rich kids in free public schools Blaise Joseph is an Education Policy Analyst at The Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) and challenges the expectation of free education for high SES parents in a recent commentary on the CIS website.
Listening to the indigenous voice in education ACER has released the Australian Education Review, which suggests that evidence-based research and evaluation programs requires the full participation of Indigenous people to successfully address the complex educational disadvantage.
Gonski to lead review with panel of seven announced Minister Simon Birmingham released a statement naming the panel of experts that will lead an inquiry into ensuring that the new investment in schools actually boosts the results of Australian students.
Teachers: satisfied but stressed The ASG-ACE Teachers Report Card reveals that 21 per cent have considered leaving the profession in the past three months. However 96% find their job very rewarding according to new research.
The cheque’s in the mail You’ve heard all the common excuses – “Sorry, I’ve been so busy, I completely forgot to pay our account”; or, “I don’t think we ever received that invoice”; or “The cheque’s in the mail”.  Maybe you’ve heard some creative excuses as well, like, “Our dog became really ill and we had a huge vet bill. We’ll pay the school fees as soon as we can”.