
Program robots
Program robots
Robotify teaches coding with virtual robots Irish company Robotify develops online modules for schools to teach virtual robotics programming without the need to buy hardware, or use high-end devices.
Insights from a home schooling mother of four For parents who were home schooling their children before the virus remote hasn’t been much of an interruption and there is much to be learned from parents who have done it well.
New way in
New way in
ANU rethinks admissions process Students' applications are not only assessed on their academic results, but also their extra-curricular achievements and personal circumstances.
Thriving in STEM
Thriving in STEM
Syrian students thrive in STEM with a little help Siblings escaped a Syria that’s been all but destroyed by civil war and are now on their way to fulfilling careers in STEM fields
Worth it
Worth it
Show country kids the why and how of uni It’s a commitment for country kids to attend university and to get them over the line the perception that it is a worthwhile, life changing choice needs reinforcing.
The Power of Three: Effective partnerships between parents, teachers & students Biomimetics, is defined as the copy-catting of ingenious ideas in the natural world.
Evelyn Kiddie, English teacher Clarkson Community High School
Speak up
Speak up
Mission Australia urges young people to speak up in Youth Survey 2020 Mission Australia is urging young people aged 15-19 across Australia to participate in the Youth Survey 2020 before Friday 14 August close.  
AI informed teaching
AI informed teaching
AI improves classrooms An AI system tells teachers where to place themselves and organise classroom layout for optimum engagement.
PEACE in Italy
PEACE in Italy
Flinders anti-bullying program's success in Italy Italian high schools have had success with a South Australian program to help victims of bullying and aggression.
Science week
Science week
Free virtual mission to everywhere for Science Week You would be hard pressed to complete the Sydney Science Trail in person as it takes the visitor through a massive science journey.
Fast masters
Fast masters
ACER and CSU new post grad teaching partnership Charles Sturt and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) have joined forces to offer ACER graduates fast-tracked entry into two of the University’s master’s degrees.
Very common
Very common
High school sexual harassment common for both sexes Male students are more likely to experience six out of nine forms of sexual harassment than female students.