
Billy Tea duo brings bush dance fun to schools The Billy Tea Bush Band has been traveling around Australia for the past decade, with the main objective of connecting school communities “one bush dance at a time”.
Grants to boost makeyness in schools Grants between $2000 and $20,000 will be available to fund Maker Projects opening on Thursday 8 November. Grants are offered through two streams. Stream A is for primary and secondary schools.
Australia languishes in the bottom third of comparable countries for education equality Australia does a lot of things well but promoting equality in education isn’t one of them, we rank in the bottom third of 40 comparable countries in this regard.
Outback schools need more local language aboriginal teachers It kind of makes sense: Aboriginal teachers who can teach in local languages are essential for remote Indigenous education.
$1.5 mil funding for school leaders from Menzies Foundation New funding of $1.5 million from the Menzies Foundation over the next three years for school leaders is open for applications.
90% of public school teachers use own money for student supplies So who needs funding? If a recent survey is to believed it’s public schools with 90% of teachers reaching into their own pockets to buy supplies for their students.
NT Education Awards: winners announced Teachers, principals and support staff have been honoured for the outstanding work they do at the annual Teaching in the Territory Excellence Awards, held at Parliament House on 26 October.
Advantaged schools get first dibs on the best teachers Australia allocates more and better teacher resources to socio-economically advantaged schools than to disadvantaged schools.
Improving non-urban schools could add $56 billion to GDP Australia could add more than $56 billion to its annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by improving educational outcomes for students in regional, rural and remote areas of the country.
Regional teachers wanted for fully-funded mentorship with Bell Shakespeare     Teachers from regional, rural and remote Australian schools are invited to apply for a fully-funded year-long mentorship with Australia’s national theatre company, Bell Shakespeare.
The final countdown has begun for the ATO’s Tax, Super + You comp Australian high school students have less than two weeks left to submit their creative entry for the Australian Taxation Office’s Tax, Super + You competition to be in the running for cash and a work placement with the ATO.
Early childhood educators need some quiet time Infant-toddler educators can improve their skills through reflecting with peers on pedagogical practices, deeper reflections achieved in collaborative groups were only ever achieved by being with others.