
Year 7 bully to high school victim What goes around comes around, for some that is. If you bully, you’re more likely to continue to bully or receive a comeuppance, however the best strategy seems to be to stay clear of the entire thing.
Call for truce in reading wars It is odd to think of teaching children to read in terms of war but with the conflict between phonics and whole language approaches a war it has been, and a long one at that.
Education no guarantee of success Again, it looks like there is a disconnect between what is being taught and the skills needed to find employment and thrive after education ends; a more careers focussed approach to education is in order.
Making young entrepreneurs With its research driven programs is doing its best to give a generation of young entrepreneurs the skills and attitudes needed to thrive as the world of work evolves.
Talking about cancer in the classroom Chances are that cancer in one form or another will touch most people’s lives and a new resource from the Cancer Council will help schools to support families, kids and staff when it strikes.
Bringing it all together: Literacy, ICTs and the 21st Century Skills Literacy, 21st Century Skills, ICTs and a Common Pedagogical Framework seem to be flavours of the month in many schools, including mine. What’s not so evident is how schools blend these disparate strategies into one framework.
Arts career takes passion and toughness Three of Australia’s most familiar faces from TV and the stage gave the Wakakirri Performing Arts Careers Day their advice for establishing a career in show business; the route is going to be hard, hard but not impossible.
Teachers encouraged to consider becoming a foster carer to help tackle shortage Given their background working with children, teaching professionals are being encouraged to consider becoming a foster carer to tackle a mass shortage.
Insights Report forecasts skills priorities The future of work looks unclear but with coordination between education and industry the type of training that employers want will be clarified. The Insights Report combines intelligence from the AISC’s network of 64 Industry Reference Committees
ARIA Music Teacher of the Year Award opens The Song Room and ARIA have announced that nominations for the second ARIA Music Teacher of the Year Award, sponsored by Telstra, are now open.
Canon Oceania 2018 Grants Program – $30,000 available Canon Oceania has announced that its 2018 Grants Program is now open for nominations. The program is part of Canon Oceania’s commitment to Kyosei, which means to live and work for the common good.
The Economist launches film and essay competitions The Economist is seeking young entrants for film and essay competitions as part of its Open Future initiative and winners will be invited to participate in the Open Future Festival held simultaneously in New York, London and Hong Kong.